F8 Explorer ... Why?
Reason One: “F/8 and BE THERE!”
First day in my first newspaper staff position, my boss told me to always remember the phrase … “F/8 and be there!”
When arriving for a breaking news, a news photographer never knows how long he will have to the point you could blink and realize you missed the shots because you weren’t fast enough.
Set your aperture to F/8 and don’t be afraid to get those photos. Make sure you have what you need.
For me this has come to mean to be aware of the moment and don’t hesitate to take the photos. Be in the moment, and don’t overthink the shots.
There’s plenty of time for those artistic shots, but when a moment passes … it’s gone forever.
This website is based in the lesson of that “F/8” motto. This website is my place to share the moments I capture.
It’s a place where I will try not to overthink what I’m doing … and just do it before it’s gone forever.
Reason Two: “Adventure & Exploration”
In my early days as a photographer, I found that I was out there experiencing life while exploring the world around me.
I’ve been rear sweep in 50 foot flat-bottom boats called Batteaux while shooting rapids on the James River, marched across battlefields to the sounds of cannon fire as a Civil War reenactor, flown on World War II era bombers, held a baby black bear, stared into the eyes of hawks & eagles at close range, walked among the smoldering trees of forest fires and even caught video of a rock thrown at me while photographing those seeking proof that Big Foot really exists.
Yet somewhere along the line, I lost my grip on my love of photography with it seeming like only so much work.
Thankfully, I’ve managed to re-find that love once more. And with it, I find I want to open the doors and windows of life to see what’s out there that I can find, experience and capture for others to share with me.
So … in Conclussion
This website is a healthy dose of encouragement and a reminder.
It reminds me to hold onto my love of hunting photographs and stories as these skills and a bless gift given me.
Love my life, and love the gift of what I do.
I cannot and will not take it for granted.