Last night, I was looking around my office and saw an old Nikkor 50mm lens that is so old, it is of the manual focusing type — built to last with that cool metallic when touched.
It was one of my very first Nikon lens and was used when I started using it, so not sure of it’s exact age.
All I know is that I want to start carrying my camera around with me again, and do not want the full weight of a zoom lens on it all the time as that camera is heavy enough as it is.
Something has been brewing within me these last few weeks … months actually.
I’ve come to realize that unless I have an exact reason to take a photograph, I typically no longer do so unless it’s with an iPhone possibly which is not the same.
It’s time to return to my roots and to start photographing for love of the art and not just for an assignment or paying gig.
That’s why I’d like my camera to always have a lens and be something I’ll actually carry with me most places without hesitation.
I’d fallen a few years back while still at the local daily paper of photographing only what was either assigned or for some story I was working on.
Got to a point where photographed so much that picking up the camera in itself felt like I was on the clock and working.
Want to get back to the artistic love that first drove me into the profession and this 50mm lens on one of my cameras is the first step.
The next is actually taking photos of whatever catches my artistic eye.